Consumer Examples¶
- Finding Cycles in streaming Citi-Bike Rides.
We’ve been asked to help with an anomaly detection task: we want to find cases where a Citi Bike completes a graph cycle starting and ending at a station T, without re-visiting T in between.
We’ll also offer a “history” API which serves the most recent rides of a given bike ID.
- Serving a Real-time Language Model.
- We must offer a real-time language model API which accepts new documents to add to the corpus, continuously integrates each one, and offers fast query access of current model states.
- Summing over Multiplexed File Chunks.
We’re presented with a stream of multiplexed file chunks, and must compute and publish the full SHA-sum of each file upon it’s completion.
This example also serves as a soak test for Gazette and is used to verify correctness in automated Jepsen-style fault injection tests.
- Playing Ping-Pong.
Let’s play ping pong. At scale! This example is a minimal application which provides opinionated scaffolding for starting a new Gazette consumer project. It demonstrates:
- Building & end-to-end testing with RocksDB support.
- Hermetic, Docker-based builds.
- Protobuf code generation.
- Packaging release-ready images.
- Manifests for deploying and testing on Kubernetes.